It's not me, it's you
Personal project | 2011
The photographic essay "It's not me, it's you" is a story of how Latvians who have live(d) in Tartu perceive the city, its inhabitants, their culture and common habits. Using photography as well as other means of expression, I visualized impressions and observations made by Latvians and tried to establish an unusual relationship between the spectator and the work in order to question their position and relationship with it. The photographic essay is an invitation to open dialogue, a feedback and an opportunity for the locals to take a look at themselves from a distance and a dedication with a hope that some things would change, but others would fall even deeper into people's hearts.
The work was shortlisted for "Photo Diploma Award" (Poznań, 2011) exhibited in Estonia and Poland, and published in the Latvian Photography Yearbook 2012.